David Wright Authors Forbes Post: Making Better Executive Benefit Decisions

by | Feb 14, 2019 | Articles

David Wright

Making Better Executive Benefit Decisions: How Do You Make The Right Call?


David is the Chief Strategy Officer of TriscendNP, helping nonprofits make better executive benefit decisions and improve their futures.

With the advent of Pub. L. 115-97 and the addition of §4960 to the Internal Revenue Code, imposing an excise tax on “excess” executive compensation and increasing competition for senior executive talent, tax-exempt organizations are reviewing their executive benefits practices at an increasing pace. As these reviews progress, we see these organizations struggle with the best way to understand the implications of their existing approach (if any) and compare the status quo to alternatives that may be a better fit, given the new tax, regulatory and stakeholder environments. Read More

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Mr. Wright is a co-founder and serves as Chief Strategy Officer with primary responsibility for strategy and business development and has served in this capacity for 20 years. Areas of expertise include business development, compliance, business transactions, and financial and accounting topics. Contact or learn more about David >>