Executive Benefits 101: Part 1 — Which Provider Should You Work With?

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Articles

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Choosing the right provider for your executive benefits program is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of the program and the satisfaction of your key executives. In this first installment of our “Executive Benefits 101” series, we’ll explore the essential factors to consider when selecting a vendor and why their service quality matters. 

Importance of Service
A robust executive benefits program goes beyond merely offering attractive financial incentives. It requires ongoing administration, compliance oversight and regular updates to ensure it remains effective and aligned with the organization’s goals. Here are key service-related aspects to consider when evaluating vendors: 

  • Dedicated Servicing Team
    One of the first questions to ask a potential executive benefits provider is whether they have a dedicated servicing team in-house. This team should be responsible for the management of the executive benefits plan, ensuring that all aspects are handled efficiently and correctly. Relying solely on carrier reports is insufficient; a dedicated team can provide personalized support and address specific needs promptly.
  • Administrative Platform
    A reliable provider should offer a robust administrative platform that can prepare deliverables and reports independent of carrier communications. This platform ensures transparency, accuracy and timeliness in reporting, which is crucial for both the organization and the executives. It also allows for better customization and flexibility in managing the benefits plan.
  • In-force Illustrations
    Another critical question is whether the provider can run in-force illustrations or if they rely solely on carriers for this. In-force illustrations are essential for forecasting future benefits and ensuring that the plan remains aligned with the executives’ needs and expectations. This capability enables the organization to make informed adjustments as needed, potentially enhancing the plan’s effectiveness and appeal. 

Multidisciplinary Approach
A multidisciplinary approach is vital when selecting an executive benefits provider. This means the vendor should not be pushing a one-size-fits-all product but rather offering a range of options tailored to the unique needs of your organization and its executives. Here are key points to consider: 

  • Customized Solutions
    The provider should work with you to understand the specific requirements of your organization and its executives. This includes considering factors such as age, career stage and personal financial goals. For example, a younger executive may benefit more from a plan with interim distributions that align with significant life events, such as funding their children’s education, rather than a plan solely focused on retirement. 
  • Empathy and Understanding
    An effective provider should demonstrate empathy and a deep understanding of both the organization and the executives. They should ask the right questions to uncover the true needs and goals of the participants. This ensures that the benefits plan is genuinely beneficial and appreciated by the executives, enhancing retention and satisfaction. 
  • Transparency and Communication
    Transparency in goals and expectations is crucial for both the organization and the provider. The executive benefits provider should facilitate open communication to ensure that the board’s intentions align with the executives’ needs. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures that the benefits plan is seen as a valuable and meaningful part of the executives’ compensation package.

An Advocate for a Winning Strategy
Choosing the right provider for your executive benefits program is essential for its success. Focus on service quality, a multidisciplinary approach and transparent communication to ensure the plan meets the needs of both the organization and its key executives. In the next installment of our “Executive Benefits 101” series, we’ll discuss targeted goals when instituting an executive benefits plan. 

For personalized guidance and to learn more about selecting the right provider for your executive benefits program, reach out to our experts. They are ready to help you design a plan that aligns with your company’s goals and ensures the retention of your top talent.

For more information, call (972) 318-1110 or contact us.

Matt Morris Avatar
Matt is responsible for overseeing the client relations department, including ensuring our clients’ needs and expectations are met at every step of their journey with us. His focus is on providing ongoing plan administration, including financial, accounting, and compliance support for clients and their advisers. Contact or learn more about Matt >>